Wednesday 9 November 2011


If you have followed my blogs you will know that I'm in my second year at Uni studying animation. at the minute we are doing a maya layout with some animation in it. (please check out maya layout blog to see my progress and understand what it is about). Before we do our animation in maya we must do it in 2D and translate that in to maya, so we get a 3D version and a 2D version of the same animation.

This is the blog thats following my 2D animation process. If you want to see my 3D part please go to my Maya layout blog :).

the story/plot:

this animation is going to be based around this lonely turtle who comes home with a flower in his hand. he walks in to his home thats filled with stuff he has found laying around in the garden. he walks over to an old vase filled with water. He is just about to place the flower in to the vase then stops and looks at the flower. He is moved to tears and starts to touch the petals. He starts to smile, then he brings it to his mouth and eats it with no shame, he smiles.

as you can see its a short little funny animation. :)

I will start buy creating the layouts and the character design and  then develop an animatic. Then start to animate the whole thing. and buy the end I will have a 30 second animation :)

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