Saturday 26 November 2011

Nearly done :)

Sorry for the poor quality on my animatic I was unsure it was going to work but it's up :)

The next step is to start animating. I can go in between the frames of my animatic and start moving my character. I had a few problems with software, as i really can not draw in flash i needed a program that was really nice to draw in. Photoshop was the answer and I quickly learned how to animate in photoshop. But it got really complicated as a few seconds of animation would mean around 30 layers and it would get really confusing. So i tried animating with  flip book. but I didn't have much time to learn the software and place all my layouts in to flip book. so I have stuck with photoshop even tho i believe it has taken me a lot longer to animate in. In my next blog I want to upload my final piece and then Back in my maya layout blog you will see how this 2D animation has helped with my 3D animation. and you will see the link :). Its getting very close to the end now so everything will be all done :). 

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